Ramblings of A Mutant Penguin

The Mutant Penguin Herself Speaks - Personally

Thursday, July 29, 2010

This Time of Year

Is always very hard for me. Saturday I will try to keep busy and keep my mind off the fact that it's been 23 years since Shann died.

You know people say it's so nice to be alone, to have quiet. It's not so nice when it's all you have. Imagine spending the rest of your life with no one to talk to once you get home unless it's on the phone. Silence unless the tv or music is on. Never having anyone to say, "good night" or "good morning" to. No one to hug. No one to hug you. Nobody to ask if you're OK or how your day went or what you'd like for dinner. It's not so bad until you get home.

So the next time you think about how nice it would be to not have all that stuff going on around you, remember that there are people out there who might like to have some of that once in a while.

Sometimes it truly stinks to grow old alone.


  • At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi it's Ruthie from Twitter...Loved reading your blog... I absolutely loved your blog. You are like me just keeping it real. I know loneliness well. My daddy died and when that happened a part of me died too. then my husband of 22 years decided to leave as well. I am a born again Christian so I know God is on my side. I spent a good chunk of my time on Twitter and found that every good and perfect gift is from above. God used twitter to comfort me with company so I was not alone. I love your blog and I want you to feel free to connect with me anytime much love to you.
    @Ruthieappleby of twitter.


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