Ramblings of A Mutant Penguin

The Mutant Penguin Herself Speaks - Personally

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Still Among The Living

Nope, not a clue how I am still living but I am. Tonight and tomorrow the last of everything will be moved to either the storage unit or my new room. My friend Susan is coming tonight and after we pack up (or throw away the rest) of the fridge contents, we'll start moving all that stuff to the room. I am hoping we can do it in one load. Then there is an entire corner of the livingroom filled with things for her to take for the yard sale Legal Secretaries is going to have with my stuff. Don't think they'll raise a lot but it's better than nothing and whatever it is will be gone. The rest will go to charity, I'm sure.

I am going to publically say here an absolutely HUGE thank you to David and Adam who did a good portion of the hauling. To Jody and Bob for loading up their vehicles and transporting it. To Amy who packed all the dvds and videos, bless her, and who is going to help me set up my new room. To Alma who on a rainy Saturday helped me pack and haul things, too. And, as always, to Susan who not only helped me pack, haul it, put it away and took the residue but who has been what all sisters are - a very large shoulder to cry on and a hug when I have so desperately needed it.

Boxes were contributed by a stranger, Bob, Jo, Susan, and my employers, the firm of Marshall, Burghardt, Mieske & Harp who have been wonderfully understanding through all this and allowed me to change hours, make up hours and work at a slower pace on those days when I not only was dragging but facing some truly terrible physical problems related to the move and my diabetes.

I do not know when my DSL will be connected so for the moment, this may be my last post for a week or so.

I will continue to be tired, unpacking, sorting and hopefully I can get back to regular sleep and eating so that some of the health problems go away. I am hopeful there will be less crying, less mania, less stress. Pray for me. Call me. Arrange to visit my new home when I'm finished putting things away. And understand if that isn't for a few months yet. :)

Until I post again, know I am still among the living. And I decided earlier this week I am glad about that. Even if I can't walk upright or lift anything heavier than a coffee cup. Yup... still among the living is good.


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