Ramblings of A Mutant Penguin

The Mutant Penguin Herself Speaks - Personally

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Moving Update

Quick update. This coming week except for Wednesday night, David, Adam and Jody, at least, will be coming over to help me pack and move things. I will do most of the packing and the stuff going to David's they will take over and the other stuff we can load up for the storage unit. I will be picking up the things I took to the unit which are going to David's and get them over there probably tomorrow. That is when I can start moving things in. I know the closet will get filled and the garage will look like a wreck for a while but things will be there and I can put them away. With them helping me get things packed up and out of here for a couple of weeks, I am hopeful I can get it done.

I spent some time on the patio last night and am completely AMAZED at how wonderful it is out there! David has put in a bar with a fridge, there's a tv, the hot tub, the treadmill is going there and there is even a two seater swing which I love. I need to buy a small fridge for my room so I am going to see if I can get someone to go with me who can help me get it to David's. Guess I have to start saying, "our house". I have become an official member of the Ellis household. I really do feel like I'm moving in with dad and my brother.

It was a little cool there last night so I know that I may have to ask them to turn the heat up sometimes but it's still warmer than where I am and I can still use my flannel sheets and my fleece blankets. Yippie! And in the summer I will have the benefit of central air.

I was impressed with how quickly David was able to find people to help. I knew Adam would help (bless him - I think of him as a younger brother) and Bob but even neighbors next door to my new home will come over and help. And bring boxes. And they are doing this because David asked them to help his sister.

Yup, I am blessed.

I've packed some today but I am also going to not overdo it knowing I have good help next week. I have been feeling tired and overwhelmed and depressed and now I am feeling hopeful and optomistic and really, really lucky that I have such a good friend in David. And continue to wonder how it happened.

God works in mysterious ways, for sure.


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