Ramblings of A Mutant Penguin

The Mutant Penguin Herself Speaks - Personally

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Oh Who Cares?

Does it really matter if I get the sheets on the bed changed today? What difference does it make if I don't get the books back to the library until tomorrow instead of today? They aren't due until next Saturday. If I have too much caffiene and get jittery, who's going to notice? Oh, c'mon... WHO CARES?!?!!??

Geez... all is right with the world. My son-in-law hasn't been shipped to Iraq again. My daughter has the day off to spend with my gorgeous grandson Matt. My mother is still alive and healthy. My brother is looking forward to my visit. I can see, hear, walk, talk, the arthritis isn't too bad today, I have food in the house, clothes to wear, a wonderful home filled with way too much stuff but it's all stuff I want, there's a car in the driveway that works and has gas in it, that's insured and registered, I have a paid-for plane ticket to go to New Hampshire in three weeks, music to listen to, friends I can call. Life is damned good.

So who cares about the dust? Who cares about returning books a week early? I have what really matters - friends, family, love, a good sense of self.

If you want to join in, give me a call. I'll drop whatever I'm doing to go to lunch or dinner with you or to go shopping or help you. My life is damned good. Not just today but every day.

I'm not caring about the little insignifcant things anymore. It's the big ones that matter. Life is short. I intend to fill it (and my heart) while I can.


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