Ramblings of A Mutant Penguin

The Mutant Penguin Herself Speaks - Personally

Friday, September 02, 2011


Someone gave me some advice today which the same person had given me a couple of months ago when I first became unemployed. Today, as in the past, it made me depressed.

This person is a friend and means well. I know that. And this person is probably correct. It's just something that is painful and I just can't face yet.

I've been told that I should already be starting to dispose of my household contents to prepare to leave my house behind and go live with my mother.

Yes, it's dismal out there. No jobs. No hope of jobs. And lucky me, so far all I get is 6 months of unemployment, no extension. Really great for those of us laid off after June 1, 2011. Sorry, you were laid off May 30, 2011 so you get 2 years of unemployment benefits. June 1, 2011 gets you 6 months. Yup, that's really fair.

I know all this and I try not to think about it or dwell on it because my entire future is totally uncertain. There is no hope, no security, not even any real way to feel better about any of this so I live day to day and don't plan much beyond the next couple of hours.

The suggestion that I need to get moving on disposing of my household hurt. I wanted to go straight to bed and cry myself to sleep. But I don't cry anymore. That's a luxury for people who have something they can lose. I am already resigning myself to the fact that there isn't anything there for me and what little I have is totally temporary. I don't want to live in a depressed state and I'm not in denial but I am not sure that advice like that does anything to help me prepare or cope emotionally.

It's hard to live when you feel hopeless. I pray a lot. I look for help and guidance and reassurance and at the moment there is only silence. I try to keep happy in words and actions because that is what is expected of me. It's not easy. And so please, don't give me this advice again and tell me it's for my own good. You think I don't already know I need to be letting go of life as I know it? I do. Instead of giving me this kind of advice how about a hug instead? I sure could use one of those.


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